A Fun Training Designed for Children and Teenagers


Empower Kids with Easy-to-Use Energy Tools to Calm Their Big Emotions, Ease Aches and Pains, and Feel Happier Now (and for the Rest of their Lives!)





Taught by Chiara, this fun healing adventure distills the power of the accurate and scientifically proven method of Energy Medicine AcuEnergetics® into age-appropriate concepts and simple exercises, specially designed for your little ones and for teenagers.


If you have a little one in your life, you have every right to be worried for their future.

It seems to be harder than ever to preserve their innocence with everything going on in the world.

It’s no wonder that anxiety and depression are on the rise among children.

And if you have a little one in your family, we know you’d do anything to help them find their joy in this ever-changing world.


If you want true resilience for your little one, you now have the chance to help them discover the power of their own energy.



By addressing the underlying energy imbalances they have the power to center themselves when they are overwhelmed. Comfort themselves when they are scared. Help themselves feel safe. 

In a way, it elevates them out of their ordinary experience by having them look inward for answers instead of outward. To have them know that if they tune in and make an energetic adjustment, they will feel better.

And each time they do it, each time they themselves take action to feel better, it begins to build a habit, a resilience.

As with most families, you wish you could know EXACTLY what to do to help your precious little one. 

Your child may not come with an owner’s manual… but what if there IS a “MANUAL” or guide inside your child, and the sooner you unlock that for your child, the better.

And it is not based on some woo woo or imaginary belief, but it’s based on an Accurate, Proven and Science-based Energy Medicine modality instead!

Children, just like adults, have a powerful self-healing ability, they just need to learn how to access it and use it for their wellbeing. This energy can help them be more resilient at school, navigate through social situations, and soothe their own health issues like sore throats and tummy aches. 

What if your child could feel a tummy ache or headache coming on and knew how to energetically shift it?

What if your child could shift things so that she can feel safer at school?

What if he or she knew when they were feeling scrambled and having difficulty reading and could use an energy medicine tool right  away?

And what if they could grasp this as early as 5 years old?

Teenagers as well have so much to gain by having Energy Medicine tools at their disposal. If they can enter puberty with energy habits already firmly established, it can help them better weather a very vulnerable time in their life.


It would change the trajectory of their life.

It would empower them to feel more sturdy and more immune to not just disease and illness, but also to bullying and social anxiety.

And it would begin a self-empowering journey they could lean on for the rest of their lives.

As a parent or grandparent, imagine the relief. Your little one is moving around in the world empowered to take control of their health and happiness with tools they can use whenever they need them. 

Everything changes for the better. 

Happy, empowered kids feel better in their skin and this reverberates to your entire family. 


Everything Your Child Needs to Optimise Their Body, Mind, and Spirit is Already Within Them Right Now.


Your kids can benefit enormously from learning Energy Medicine techniques at a young age. And we want every little human to establish healthy energy habits early, so they can benefit from Energy Medicine immediately.  Let’s catch them early so an energy routine and techniques become second nature – as much a part of their world, as say brushing their teeth, or taking a bath!

That’s why I’ve asked our AcuEnergetics® Energy Medicine Founder and Expert Kevin Farrow, together with the help from the Director of the School&Clinic, Rochelle Taylor, to put together an interactive Training for Kids & Teens so they could begin to sense their own energy AND learn energy tools to feel better.

The result? A Ground-Breaking Energy Medicine Training for Kids&Teens!

This Training distills Energy Medicine into simple and fun concepts that kids can easily grasp. It’s full of experience and and energy activities so kids&teens can experience how the techniques make them feel. (Your kids won’t be sitting still in this Workshop!) 

And because you are your kid’s most important guide, we have designed another unique WORKSHOP for parents, teachers and carers ‘FIRST AID FOR PARENTS: Soothing Kids’ Big Emotions’. It’s filled with practical, effective and simple ways to reduce and calm upsets and strong emotions in babies, children and teenagers.


Read about our WORKSHOP ‘FIRST AID FOR PARENTS: Soothing Kids’ Big Emotions’ !

“I love bringing Energy Medicine to children. Children still carry a lighter baggage compared to adults and can often feel the techniques working so vividly.” Chiara


There’s Little Your Child Cannot Shift or Transform When They Understand How to Work with simple Energy Medicine tools.

The basis of this accurate and scientifically proven method of Energy Medicine is that the cause of the body’s diseases and emotional disorders can be traced to the body’s energies, those that make all our functions possible. By restoring the proper flow to these energies, we naturally restore these functions. 

This means that pain, physical and emotional health, can improve, if not be cured altogether. All by using your hands! 

And now we have made it accessible to children and teenagers by simplifying the techniques. Kids do the exercises because they are fun and feel good afterward!

With this TRAINING ‘ENERGY MEDICINE FOR KIDS&TEENS’ the Children and Teenagers learn to:

  • Self-apply powerfully effective energy-based tools to quickly tune in and shift their energies to release troublesome emotions like intense shyness, frustration, anger, overwhelm and more.
  • Establish an incredibly beneficial, life-enhancing energy routine they can turn to for years to come (and probably for the rest of their lives!).
  • Improve their body’s immune system, circulation and other important physical functions to become stronger, healthier and more resistant to illnesses.
  • Perform easy-to-do energy practices so they can feel calmer and more centred in minutes.
  • Use simple energy medicine techniques to safeguard their personal space so they can feel more secure and protected no matter where they are.
  • Develop their ability to learn and take in information in ways that are relaxing and fun so they can feel confident at school and enjoy a lifelong love of learning.
  • Take charge of their overall well-being so they can start to enjoy greater inner strength, self-reliance and self-esteem that can last a lifetime.
  • Address and potentially overcome physical issues and challenges like painful headaches and tummy aches, whenever they need to.
  • Strengthen family bonds by establishing healthy energy habits and a stress-resilient lifestyle…and MUCH more!


If interested in arranging a date in your area, send a message to ChiaraHealing or contact via – SMS +393758084600 – Whatsapp +33635392055

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